
Welcome to the new home of the Calhoun City Schools Communicator. This blog will serve as the system's weekly communication and is intended to communicate the great happenings of our students, staff and community. Please visit us at www.calhounschools.org for complete coverage of our schools.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

CCS Communicator - June 27, 2016

We hope all of our students and staff have a safe and enjoyable summer.  Although there are a multitude of summer programs throughout our district during the summer, the first day of school for students will be Monday, August 8, 2016.  The full calendar can be seen here.

This week's community education camps include:

4A June 27-30 Track Camp K-2nd CHS Track 8:30-10:00am Coach Murry/Lindsey $50 
4B June 27-30 Track Camp 3-8th CHS Track 10:00-11:30am Coach Murry/Lindsey $50 
4C June 27-30 Swim Stroke & Turn 11 & under Calhoun Aquatic Center 10:00-noon Charles Todd $50 
4D June 27-30 Swim Stroke & Turn 12 & up Calhoun Aquatic Center 1:00-3:00 Charles Todd $50 4E June 27-30 Basketball K-8th CHS Gym 9:00 - 11:30am Coach Ralston/Coach Drake $50 
4F June 27-30 Gifted 2nd - 8th Calhoun Elementary 8:30 - 11:30 CPES Teachers $90 

Staff Birthdays
June 27 - Michele Taylor
June 28 - Brooke Baxter, Keith Hall, Shelly Hood, Jessica Trimble, Lynne Wilson
June 29 - Jennifer Collins Smith
June 30 - Lesley Harrison
July 2 - Anna Leatherwood

Monday, June 20, 2016

CCS Communicator - June 20, 2016

We hope all of our students and staff have a safe and enjoyable summer.  Although there are a multitude of summer programs throughout our district during the summer, the first day of school for students will be Monday, August 8, 2016.  The full calendar can be seen here.

Staff Birthdays
June 20 - Robin Profitt
June 21 - Diane Little
June 23 - Joey Rice
June 24 - Roberta Charbonneau 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

CCS Communicator - June 13, 2016

We hope all of our students and staff have a safe and enjoyable summer.  Although there are a multitude of summer programs throughout our district during the summer, the first day of school for students will be Monday, August 8, 2016.  The full calendar can be seen here.

Staff Birthdays
June 15 - Beth Holcomb
June 16 - Amal Brown, Maria Garza, Eric Rigney, Karen Vinson
June 17 - Brittany Anderson, Lisa Holden, Taylor Sumrall
June 18 - Melanie Harwell, Amy Wright
June 19 - Paula Gunter, Autumn Lester

Sunday, June 5, 2016

CCS Communicator - June 6, 2016

We hope all of our students and staff have a safe and enjoyable summer.  Although there are a multitude of summer programs throughout our district during the summer, the first day of school for students will be Monday, August 8, 2016.  The full calendar can be seen here.

Staff Birthdays
June 6 - Katie Forsyth
June 7 - Jana Manning, Joy Medders
June 8 - Deborah Offutt, Paula Tyler
June 9 - Jamie Akridge, Theresa Bagley, Tina Jackson, Diane Rigney
June 10 - Taylor Defoor, Kari Groce, Jennifer Smith