
Welcome to the new home of the Calhoun City Schools Communicator. This blog will serve as the system's weekly communication and is intended to communicate the great happenings of our students, staff and community. Please visit us at www.calhounschools.org for complete coverage of our schools.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Communicator - July 27, 2015

It's almost that time again, and we can't wait!  Kids return on August 10, 2015 and we will be ready to greet them with open arms.  Enjoy one family's take on the return to school in the video above. 

Staff Birthdays
July 30 - Cindy Wilson
July 31 - April Witmer

Calhoun City Schools will welcome its teachers and staff back to an exciting new journey on Monday, August 3, 2015 at the Gem Theatre in downtown Calhoun.  All teachers and staff should plan to attend this kickoff meeting which will begin promptly at 8am.  Certified staff will participate in a bus tour of local industry after the meeting.  Please wear comfortable closed-toe shoes for this day of exploration due to regulations of several of the locations we will visit.  Classified staff will participate in an engaging day of learning following the assembly at the high school.  

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Communicator - July 13, 2015

The grandson of Vince Dooley hasn't let Cerebral Palsy slow him down.
Matthew Dooley is a persistent young man who usually figured out a way to get things done. Despite his wheelchair, the 3rd year student at Athens Tech has conquered skydiving and earned his high school diploma despite the natural obstacles in his path. Matthew shared his story with over 1500 educators and leaders at the opening session of Summer Gael on Sunday evening.  The video below is of his 5th skydiving trip.  Matthew continues to defy the odds and is an inspiration to us all.

Staff Birthdays
July 14 - Kyle Allen
July 16 - Steven Waters
July 18 - Michelle Doane, Brandy Howard, Connie Wehunt
July 19 - Chelsea Riley

Summer Camp Information

Attention CDL Holders
Please schedule your appointment for your annual physical with Gordon Urgent Care as soon as possible(706.602.8200).  All physicals must be completed by them.  This is required before you can drive when school starts back.   Please print the attached form or pick one up at the bus shop.

The REQUIRED State bus meeting is August 4th at 8:30 at the city auditorium.  It is required that all drivers attend this ENTIRE meeting.  If you cannot attend, you will have to drive to another county to attend. I will be copying your drivers license on site. Please make certain it has not expired. The sign in sheet will be passed at the end of the State Transportation meeting.   Please be sure that you allot enough time to attend the entire meeting.  I expect that we should finish the State and System meeting by 11:45. 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Communicator - July 6, 2015

Dare to be inspirational!  

We win together.  We lose together.  One school system.  One Community.  We are Calhoun!

Staff Birthdays
July 6 - Jan Lindsey
July 7 - Jamie Bramblett
July 8 - Pattie Gilmer
Jul 12 - Robert Fightmaster

Summer Camp Information

Summer Program Needs
We hope everyone is enjoying there summer break and taking time to clean out your kids closets:)  We are in need of several different items to help support our kids in our KEEP and Jacket Jamboree program.  If you have any of the following items and are willing to donate them please drop them off at the Central Office.  We will be more than happy to provide you with a donation letter for the items you donate.

Items needed:
Tennis Balls
Hard toys, like legos
hot wheel type cars
plastic animals
good used kids books
kids videos
kids DVDs
kids music CD's
large plastic kitchen set
Any other item that you feel the kids enjoy playing.

Thank you so much for supporting our kids and programs.

Strike Out Homelessness
The Voluntary Action Center is looking for teams for their Strike Out Homelessness Fundraiser.  Please follow the links below for more information: